The Gemini Janitorial Services team are active members of CIRC/DE. The organization has hosted five informative programs since January 2013. January 2013 – Molly B. DiBianca, Esq., Young, Conaway, Stargatt & Taylor presented “Implications of Social Media”
February 2013 – Thomas Hanna, Harvey, Hanna & Associates provided an update on the “Lighthouse Cove Dewey Beach Re-Development”March 2013 – David B. Hanson, CPA, CFA, Fulton Bank presented “Wall Street, Main Street, Capitol Hill – An Economic Update”April 2013 – New Castle County Executive Tom Gordon provided an update on future plans in County Government, especially in the Land Use Department.May 2013 – Wilmington Mayor Dennis Williams provided a frank assessment of issues facing his administration and the City of Wilmington. He reached out to our members to keep the communication lines open.Congratulations to CIRC/DE President Greg Ellis, Patterson-Woods Commercial Properties, who led the organization over the past year. Of course, Janet Pippert, CIRC/DE Executive Director always does a fabulous job and made it easy for Greg to lead.Gemini Janitorial Services is proud to serve as a Cocktail Sponsor for the CIRC/DE Golf Tournament at the Dupont Country Club on Moday, June 10. This event is always a sell-out, so make your reservations early. Contact Janet Pippert, CIRC/DE Executive Director at 302-323-9377 or
Here are some photos of Gemini Janitorial Services team at 2013 CIRC/DE Luncheons: