The Ministry of Caring does a wonderful job in our community providing shelter, child care centers and the Emmanuel Dining Room. There are many people who need the daily basics we all take for granted, just to survive.
Here are photos from the Holiday Event held at the University & Whist Club on Sunday, December 6...
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From Construction Cleaning to Office Cleanup, Here’s Why You Should Seek Commercial Cleaning Services

Whether you work a white-collar office job or experience the rigor of construction work on a daily basis, there's a good chance your work space isn't as clean as it should be. Office germs can lead to a drastic decrease in productivity, and the last thing a construction worker wants to do after a hard...
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Tips for Staying Healthy in the Workplace
As fall turns into winter, the flu and virus season is upon us. We are once again spending lots of time at work – indoors.
It seems no matter how conscious we are about washing your hands, we find ourselves getting sick. After we touch something, we unconsciously touch our face before we get to wash...
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Here’s Why You Absolutely Need Commercial Cleaning Services for Your Office

If you could see the amount of germs lurking in your office, it'd be enough to make you nauseous. Unfortunately, you never get a good indication of just how unclean your workplace is until employees start to take sick days and productivity starts to diminish.
You have too much on your plate to worry about office...
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Fighting Germs in the Workplace
Courtesy of CBS News
Be careful when you take that mug from the break room, a new study suggests. It may be teeming with germs.
According to a new study led by Dr. Charles Gerba, professor of microbiology at the University of Arizona, and sponsored by consumer...
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Humor in the Workplace is Good
I’m sure you enjoy being around positive, funny people just like we do. Ever think about how humor can be a business asset? Here is an interesting article on the subject.
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Business colleagues enjoying a laugh...
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That’s Gross!: Three Everyday Activities That Expose You to Germs and Bacteria

People generally tend to avoid the things they think will expose them to germs: public toilets, garbage dumps, raw sewage, you name it. But did you know that there are things you do every day that actually expose you to more germs than you can find on a toilet seat? Here are three activities done...
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Should I Hire a Cleaning Service?

Keeping your home clean can be a nightmare, especially when you have a full time job, or multiple children running around the house. This is why many turn to the $78 billion commercial cleaning industry in the U.S. Typical professional commercial cleaning companies provide services such as window cleaning, pest control, carpet cleaning, and other...
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IBM Released First Personal Computer in 1981
On August 12, 1981, IBM released its first personal computer. IBM was eager to get into the personal computer game, but they didn't realize quite how lucrative a field it would be. Their marketing guys estimated they'd sell 241,683 units in the first five years, though their executives thought that was a bit optimistic. Turns...
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The Dangers of a Messy Desk
The Gemini Janitorial Services team can do a better job making your office shine if it is free of clutter. We thought this article on a messy desk was interesting.
After all, you want your desk to be as clean and organized as the work space around you.
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